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Exceptional Education



Kitty Crawford, Director of Exceptional Education 

1712 Whitesville Road
LaGrange, Georgia 30240

Phone: 706.812.7939
Fax: 706.883.2395

Office hours Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm
Summer hours Monday - Thursday 7am - 5:30pm


The mission of Troup County School System’s Exceptional Education Department is to assure compliance with local and state mandates, use collaborative decision making to remediate learning in the regular education setting, provide individualized services and support to students with disabilities. These services focus on enhancing student achievement and provide opportunities for students to reach their greatest potential. 

Tamikia Brown - Coordinator of Instructional Programs, High Schools
Marie Curtis - Coordinator of Instructional Programs, Elementary, Middle Schools

Jessica Morman - Coordinator of Instructional Programs, Elementary Schools
Shelia Spinks - Coordinator of Instructional Programs, Elementary Schools

- Parent Mentor  
Angelique Woodyard - RTI Facilitator
Kimberly Ray -RTI Facilitator

Exceptional Education Center (EEC) Support Staff
Kellie Jeffries - Secretary
Danna Perdue - Records Clerk Secondary
Jamie Haines - Records Clerk Preschool/Elementary
Judy Yawn - Administrative Assistant 


Description of Student Support Team/Response to Intervention
The Student Support (SST)/Response to Intervention (RTI) Team is a problem-solving process in every Georgia school. Its purpose is to collaborate to find solutions for any student in the process. Each school has a RTI team that meets on a regular basis to discuss student performance and needs.

Scholarship Information

 Senate Bill 10     Senate Bill 10 (Español)     Application

Description of 504
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 the Exceptional Education Department will assist in identifying and evaluating a student's need for educational accommodation. If the student is determined eligible for the accommodation he/she will be afforded access to appropriate educational accommodations.

Description of Special Education Services
In compliance with the Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA 2004); the Exceptional Education Department provides special education and related services to students with disabilities. These services focus on enhancing student achievement and post-secondary outcomes through implementation of regional and statewide activities for students, families, educators, administrators, and other stakeholders. Targeted areas for services and supports include accessible instructional materials, assistive technology, curriculum access and alignment, dropout prevention, family engagement, least restrictive environment, positive behavior supports, and transition.

Description of Gifted Education

TCSS provides gifted education services to students who demonstrate a high degree of intellectual, academic, and/or creative abilities, exhibit an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excel in specific academic fields, and who need specialized instruction and/or ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with their abilities. TCSS follows non-discriminatory procedures with respect to race, religion, national origin, gender, disabilities and/or socio-economic background in the referral, identification, evaluation, placement, and services of gifted students.