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esplost cover

*Information is currently being updated*

On March 16, 2021, Troup County registered voters will have an opportunity to continue the Education Special Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST). This will be the sixth ESPLOST vote in Troup County. ESPLOST is important to our school system and the community because it has made an impact over the last 24 years in our facilities, transportation, safety, security, and technology. History of ESPLOST in Troup County

Since 1997, ESPLOST has provided funds for:


Before ESPLOST, the primary source of local revenue to most school systems for renovating and modifying existing facilities or construction of new facilities was property taxes. ESPLOST has paid for items that would otherwise have to be paid from property taxes. Items, such as the ones listed below, are all funded through ESPLOST:

  • New school buses
  • Playgrounds
  • Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
  • Building Repairs (such as leaking roofs)
  • Desktop Computers
  • Chromebooks
  • Smartboards
  • Technology Infrastructure

If ESPLOST was not voted in by Troup County residents, there would be no way to pay for those items without raising property taxes. (Currently, we have a property tax rate of 18.85 mills and it would require an additional +6.211 mills to cover the cost of items included in all ESPLOST's). 


This continuation of the education tax is an investment in our school system and students. The election for ESPLOST VI is in March 16, 2021. Here is a list of proposed projects, to include safety enhancements, renovations and updates in schools throughout the county, bus fleet refresh, technology upgrades, security upgrades, and a replacement elementary school.  

It is against the law for ESPLOST to be used for salaries or day-to-day operational expenses. Therefore, capital outlay projects like re-facing the main entrance at Hogansville Elementary and updating West Point Elementary's heating and air conditioning system is right in line with ESPLOST funding. In addition, ESPLOST dollars have provided the funds to build state-of-the art schools like EKES, CES, FFES, and CVES. Also, we have been able to make all of our buildings and facilities completely wireless; providing a learning environment that is conducive to being college, career, and work ready. Now, with the onset of Covid-19, we have had to shift to technology-driven learning where students and staff have depended on technology.



How ESPLOST Benefits Troup County

  • Students will have up-to-date technology to compete in the 21st century
  • Enhance safety and security measures at TCSS facilities
  • Provides a five-year revenue stream for needed building updates and improvements
  • 30% of revenue is provided from out-of-town guests visiting Troup County
  • Funding will allow permanent facilities to be renovated or constructed  
  • Technology and associated curriculum improvements will ensure students get the best education possible 
  • A majority of the work is completed by local design and construction firms
  • An educated, well prepared student ready for the strong labor market