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Supplemental Programs

Throughout the year, Troup County School System is approached by various organizations in the community who wish to offer programs for consideration in the schools. Some of these programs are intended to supplement curriculum and advance student achievement; some encourage students and staff to support charitable causes; and some are intended to involve students and staff in community programs. TCSS is driven by its strategic plan's specific goals to guide the organization. All programs are considered based on their alignment with the system’s mission, strategic objectives and goals. In order to achieve this alignment, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate balance in programs and supplemental services.

If your organization would like to propose a program for implementation in any of the Troup County Schools during the fall semester of 2022 (August through December), the deadline to submit requests is June 15, 2022.  The deadline to submit requests for program for implementation in any of the Troup County Schools during the spring semester of 2023 is October 15, 2022. 

You can also contact Lorene Adams  at 706-812-7900 ext. 1127 for guidelines to submit a proposal.

Supplemental Program Form -- applies to programs designed to supplement the curriculum and will require instructional time either before, during or after the school day.

Charitable Program Form -- applies to requests from charitable organizations that would like students and/or staff to assist them in raising money for a non-profit cause.

Community Program Form --applies to requests from community organizations that want support from or participation by students and/or staff for a community-related program. (Does not involve fund raising and does not require instructional time before, during or after the school day.)