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ESOL Information

Elizabeth Sanchez, ESOL Teacher

Matthew Karr, ESOL Teacher

Adriana Muñoz, ESOL Teacher 

M "Silk" Lee, ESOL Teacher

Wendy Aldridge, ESOL Teacher

Yasuko Kobayashi, ESOL Teacher

Esmirna Vences-Vital, ESOL Teacher

Cecilia Wolf, ESOL Teacher

Efren Munoz Medina, ESOL Teacher

Michael Hays, ESOL Teacher


Click here for ESOL teacher school sites

Click here for ESOL Site Administrators

Office of Civil Rights Fact Sheet

Limited English Proficient (LEP) parents are parents or guardians whose primary language is other than English and who have limited English proficiency in one of the four domains of language proficiency (speaking, listening, reading, or writing).  School districts and SEAs have an obligation to ensure meaningful communication with LEP parents in a language they can understand and to adequately notify LEP parents of information about any program, service, or activity of a school district or SEA that is called to the attention of non-LEP parents.  At the school and district levels, this essential information includes but is not limited to information regarding: language assistance programs, special education and related services, IEP meetings, grievance procedures, notices of nondiscrimination, student discipline policies and procedures, registration and enrollment, report cards, requests for parent permission for student participation in district or school activities, parent-teacher conferences, parent handbooks, gifted and talented programs, magnet and charter schools, and any other school and program choice options.

School districts must develop and implement a process for determining whether parents are LEP and what their language needs are. It is important for schools to take parents at their word about their communication needs if they request language assistance and to keep in mind that parents can be LEP even if their child is proficient in English. 

SEAs and school districts must provide language assistance to LEP parents effectively with appropriate, competent staff – or appropriate and competent outside resources.  It is not sufficient for the staff merely to be bilingual.  For example, some bilingual staff and community volunteers may be able to communicate directly with LEP parents in a different language, but not be competent to interpret in and out of English (e.g., consecutive or simultaneous interpreting), or to translate documents.  School districts should ensure that interpreters and translators have knowledge in both languages of any specialized terms or concepts to be used in the communication at issue.  In addition, school districts should ensure that interpreters and translators are trained on the role of an interpreter and translator, the ethics of interpreting and translating, and the need to maintain confidentiality.

Some examples of when the Departments have found compliance issues regarding communication with LEP parents include when school districts: (1) rely on students, siblings, friends, or untrained school staff to translate or interpret for parents; (2) fail to provide translation or an interpreter at IEP meetings, parent-teacher conferences, enrollment or career fairs, or disciplinary proceedings; (3) fail to provide information notifying LEP parents about a school’s programs, services, and activities in a language the parents can understand; or (4) fail to identify LEP parents.¹

¹From: Office of Civil Rights, Dear Colleague Letter: English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents (01/7/2015)


2024 ESOL Summer Academy

In the photo, Jack Morman sits with a group of students after a storytelling session at the ESOL Summer Academy. All the students found Mr. Morman's stories engaging, which included audience participation.

This scene not only highlights the importance of storytelling in education but also underscores the ESOL Summer Academy's commitment to enhancing the students' English proficiency through interactive and immersive experiences.

At the ESOL Summer Academy, a photograph captures a heartwarming moment where Jack Morman, a dedicated storyteller, engages a group of students with his lively tales. Morman's animated expressions and gestures bring the stories to life, fostering an environment rich with cultural exchange and language learning.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Fiesta Day at Franklin Forest

Franklin Forest Animal Presentations

Mrs. Lee's 4th and 5th grade students at FFE conducted research on an animal of their choice with their partners and presented it to the group. They had to find out their animal's habitat, diet, movement, appearance, and fascinating facts. The animals they chose were a giant panda, white tiger, and Chinese alligator.

ACCESS Information
ACCESS for ELs 2.0
Purpose and Use of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

  • Help students understand their current level of English language proficiency along the developmental continuum.
  • Serve as one of multiple measures used to determine those students prepared to exit English language support programs.
  • Provide teachers with information they can subsequently use to enhance instruction and learning in programs for their English language learners.
  • Provide districts with information that will help them evaluate the effectiveness of their ESL/bilingual programs.
  • Meet federal requirements, such as Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives 1 and 2, for the monitoring of ELLs' progress toward English language proficiency.


As with ACCESS for ELLs, the tasks on the new summative assessment will attempt to replicate the kinds of communicative situations (and the language needed to be processed or produced within them) that might be encountered in different school contexts. Each assessment item and task will target at least one of the five WIDA ELD Standards:

  • Social and Instructional Language
  • Language of Language Arts
  • Language of Mathematics
  • Language of Science
  • Language of Social Studies

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 will continue to assess each of the four language domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing separately.

Resource Links

Troup County Resources

Spanish For Kids

The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools

This websites has glossaries for many subject areas that offer word translations in multiple languages for grades 3-5; 6-8 and high school. 

Language, literacy and learning in the content areas
ELs andSocial Studies

Educator and Parent Links

"My Child is an English Learner": English Version Click here; Spanish Version Click here


GPB Educational Resources

U.S.. Department of Education 


GA TESOL (Georgia Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)


CAL (Center for Applied Linguistics)\


Free Translation

Lessons and Flashcards

Find Flashcards to Study

Parent Tool Kit

English/Spanish (No Child Left Behind)

Consulado de Mexico en Atlanta

Hispanic Scholarship Fund
GoodCall Scholarship Search

Colorin Colorado


Oral Practice, Engagement, & Community-Building Tool:

Teach100 Education Resources

Korean Arts & Crafts

Virtual Tools

Listening/Reading Comprehension Tool:
Edpuzzle - Is a self-paced video based learning platform where learners view a video (and read captions) and respond to teacher created questions. Teachers can use self-created videos or videos downloaded from internet.

Writing Tool:
Book creator - Is much more than just a book creator! Learners can use their own pictures and favorite music to individually or collaboratively create e-books to share with classmates and families. There is a free version that allows teachers to create up to 40 books whereas the premium version provides unlimited opportunities to create, collaborate, write, edit, and share.

Reading Comprehension:
English E-Reader - Contains a library of books in English from levels A-C based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CERF). Learners and educators can search for books by reading levels, genres, series, and keywords. Additionally, they can create their own libraries, track their books, and create a list of favorites.

Flipgrid - Is a recording tool for all ages and language levels. Learners record themselves talking and peers and instructors respond. The interaction is not synchronous but it is a wonderful tool to document learner's oral growth and progress.