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The Jungle Bus

Jungle Bus Five Year Anniversary Video

Visiting The Jungle Bus is an adventure in and of itself as Jungle Jama and Reading Ranger sing, share reading facts, read books, and give families a chance to get on the bus and choose a free book they can keep forever! 

Troup County School System loves to see our roving bookmobile, The Jungle Bus! This jungle-themed reading machine started as a collaborative effort to share the love of reading and put books into the hands of children. Thanks to TCSS, United Way's Success By Six, Rotary Club, TCSS Transportation, Get Troup Reading, and countless other community partners, The Jungle Bus has made a variety of stops to neighborhoods, schools, early learning centers, and community events. They have provided thousands of books for children to take home and read with their families. 


The idea of a themed bookmobile generated in 2016 when several reading advocates attended a Get Georgia Reading conference in South Georgia. The project received funds from local community entities and the governor’s office. Marketing students from THINC College & Career Academy branded the bus as a class assignment that quickly turned into a contest. The jungle themed wowed all the judges so it stuck. 

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Meet Jungle Jama

Meet Reading Ranger

Please email Nicole Kennedy at for more information!

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